Dragon Attacks


Dragon Attacks

  • Dragon Attacksのスクリーンショット_1
  • Dragon Attacksのスクリーンショット_2
  • Dragon Attacksのスクリーンショット_3
  • Dragon Attacksのスクリーンショット_1
  • Dragon Attacksのスクリーンショット_2
  • Dragon Attacksのスクリーンショット_3
Dragon Attacks This game is rearistic 3D fantasy action game. Feature *Item level up system Each item has its own Level. can increase in defeating the enemy. an item increases the damage Level. *Quest Kill the Dragon in the dungeon ! *Items Swords Armor Shield Helm Ring --- Ring is rare item,very low probability *Special items Fire weapon --- Increase fire resistance *Updates Check for updates. New area,new class,new monsters are coming.

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Dragon Attacksの基本情報

タイトル Dragon Attacks
開発者 Coremedia,inc